Ozone is a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms. In liquid or solid form, it is highly unstable and explosive. However, in gas form, this molecule has many therapeutic qualities.
Medical grade ozone is created using an ozone generator device. The basic intent for medical use is to increase oxygen in the body. A higher oxygen level increases the immune system capabilities and promotes healing. It stimulates cell regeneration, the process of repairing or replacing damaged cells.
Health Benefits of Ozone Therapy
A. Immune system support by activating and strengthening the immune system.
B. Improved circulation
C. Anti- bacterial, fungal and viral
D. Reduces oxidative stress by neutralizing free radical destruction and reducing inflammation and chronicity of disease.
Studies are ongoing with the medical use of ozone but currently there have been ongoing research on the safety and potential uses of this treatment in; respiratory diseases such as COPD, cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, wound management, immune disorders such as human immunodeficiency virus and multiple musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis and disc disease.
Ozone should never be inhaled because even at low doses, it is toxic to lung tissue.
A. Direct skin application- ozone is applied under a tent to the skin especially applicable for wound healing and other inflammatory skin conditions.
B. Direct insufflation typically through the ears, rectum or vagina.
C. Ingestion by mixing ozone dissolved in oil or water solution.
D. Direct injection as injecting into an arthritic joint
E. Mixing ozone with blood and reintroducing the blood back into the body
Conventional ozone therapy utilizes a variety of techniques to deliver ozone to the blood.
Techniques employed in this type of delivery,
A. Intravenous ozone injection (DIV)
B. Major autohemotherapy (MAH)
C. Hyperbaric ozone therapy (HBO3)
Intravenous ozone injection involves the slow instillation of an ozone gas mixture into a vein. Volumes begin at 20mL of gas and concentration begins at 30mL/ml of ozone. Maximum volume ranges from 60mL to 120mL of gas.
Major autohemotherapy consists of withdrawal of blood and mixing with an equal part of ozone gas with concentrations of 20mL to 50mL/mL. The gas and blood are mixed and then returned into the patient.
Hyperbaric ozone therapy consists of removing blood from the patient into a glass container, ozone is then mixed with the blood under pressure, then the blood is returned into the patient. The treatment and return to the patient of blood with ozone is termed “one pass”. This pass mixture is 200mL of blood and 200mL of ozone gas.
Lahodny et al have pioneered the multipass technique. This delivers the mixture made under pressure 10 times total in one treatment. This nets a total of 140,000 micrograms of ozone delivered. This has been termed “high dose therapy”. Lahodny has shown this method stimulates mitochondria in blood mononuclear cells.
Based on reports presented at the American Academy of Ozonotherapy, in over 4000 high dose treatments, there was no significant toxicity or untoward effects except for transient rust colored urine.
In the last two decades, a new form of ozone blood delivery has been developed and studied. This is called the extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation (EBOO). This method uses recirculatory hemoperfusion using a semi-permeable dialysis membrane.
DiPaolo et al reported EBOO effects and found after a secession, the interaction of ozone with blood resulted in 4-5 times increased levels of thiobarbituric acid reactants and a proportional decrease in plasma protein thiols without any appreciable hemolysis of red blood cells.
Note: Because reactive oxygen species have extremely short half lives, they are difficult to measure directly. What is easily measured are several products of the damage produced by oxidative stress such as thiobarbituric acid reactants formed as a degradation product of fats.
In humans, EBOO clearly has been found to have clinical efficacy in the treatment of diseases such as peripheral arterial disease and necrotizing fasciitis.Ozone dialysis (EBOO) have been performed for at least 22 years in Malaysia with no significant toxicity in over 200,000 treatments. There has been no reported or published untoward effects in the literature during this period.
Ozone dialysis when delivered at 30 micrograms/mL appears to deliver an average of 3.28 times the amount of ozone compared to the next highest method of delivery which is the ten pass method. When measured, the following results were obtain using the different methods of delivery,
A. Direct intravenous ozone gas nets 800 micrograms of ozone injected
B. Standard gravity method delivered 6000-14000 micrograms of ozone which is effected by plastic bag absorption
C. Hyperbaric single pass method delivers 14,000 micrograms of ozone
D. High dose hyperbaric (10 pass method) delivered 140,000 micrograms of ozone
E. Ozone dialysis can easily deliver 3.28 times higher than the 10 pass method. It was conservatively measured at 460,000 and can easily reach 558,000
Ozone as Bioregulator
Chronic stress and disease states, cause a multitude of disturbances at various points in our repair mechanisms. Biochemical equilibria is disturbed to the point the bodies repair mechanisms can no longer compensate. This leads to chronic disease. Restarting the repair mechanisms is the target of ozone therapy. At lower concentrations, ozone acts as a bioregulator.
In a biological system, hydrogen peroxide is one of the most important oxidative regulators. When the concentration of H2O2 is too high, regulation is blocked and degenerative process begins as in the case of chronic inflammatory diseases. Ozone peroxide is formed with the addition of ozone and reverses the inflammatory process.
Medical ozone was found to be a bioregulator of the redox balance in a biological system by Leon et al in 1998 and has been followed by global research all over the world. The indications of medical ozone treatments have been established in the therapy for any chronic inflammatory state or disease process. Medical ozone can be successfully integrated into a protocol in angiopathies, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic intestinal diseases and many others. These inflammatory diseases have one aspect in common, that is high oxidative stress measured as reactive oxygen species and a suppressed antioxidant capacity.
Mechanisms of Action of Ozone
A. Activation of RBC metabolism with an increase of ATP leading to improvement of oxygen release
B. Activation of immunocompetent cells with regulation of cytokine production such as interferons and interleukins
C. Downregulation of oxidative stress
D. Regulation of the anti-oxidative capacity
Rheumatoid Arthritis
As an inflammatory disease, Rheumatoid arthritis can be used as a model for the chemical reaction that occurs when ozone is introduced into these patients. Ozone therapy is considered to be a complementary therapeutic tool in RA. In RA, oxygen shows a reaction behavior completely different from that of ozone. It tends to produce a deterioration in the symptoms and is manifest by inflammatory markers of inflammation such as TNF-alpha, and IL-1b.
Both in preclinical studies and clinical practice, ozone effects the upregulation of antioxidants and the downregulation of oxidative stress as well as decreasing inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-1 and IL-6. Ozone interrupts the inflammatory process via the formation of ozone peroxides which reduces the inflammatory cytokines.
In a study, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory efficacy of ozone oxidative preconditioning were investigated on hydrogen peroxide induced human lung alveolar cells. The H2O2 caused a 17.3% and 21.9% decrease in the number of living cells. Ozone regenerated cell proliferation and prevented cell loss. Intracellular glutathione level and superoxide dismutase activity were decreased by 46.2% and 45.0% in the H2O2 treatment group and ozone recovered 58.5% and 20.1% of the decreases caused by the peroxide. The author concluded, ozone preconditioning demonstrated potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on in vitro model of oxidative stress induced lung injury.
Juventix Regenerative Medical is an industry leader in the regenerative medical field. Striving always to offer innovative and “state of the art” goods, services and devices to our regenerative practitioners. We are pleased to offer the Dynamaxx Extracorporeal Blood Ozone and Oxygenation Therapy.
This EBOO device utilizes patients blood passed through a modified dialysis filter where ozone is dissolved into the blood. The blood is filtered clearing inflammatory waste particles, heavy metals and toxins and then passed through a phototherapy chamber containing various spectrums of light. This ablates bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. The hyper cleansed and ozonated blood is then returned into the patient.
This treatment has a multitude of beneficial effects supported by the medical literature. Not only does it aid in inflammatory and infectious disease states, but it has been found to be anti-aging and attributes to overall wellness.
EBOO is being used safely throughout the world. Discuss this treatment with your health care professional.
Regenerative Regards,
Dr. Robert McGrath
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